With the Skeelo Club, you'll have access to an incredible array of titles and reading experiences, customized to fit your interests. By subscribing to a Skeelo Club, you'll enter a universe of learning and entertainment, starting with:
Clube Skeelo Finanças
If you want to improve your financial skills, the Clube Skeelo Finanças is perfect for you. You will get 1 exclusive eBook or audiobook every month. You can choose the format that suits your learning style the best. In addition to the book of the month, we offer extra content to complement your reading, improving your financial education even more. 🤑
You will get your first book immediately after confirming your subscription, and then, after 30 days, you will get next month's book. That means that, if you subscribed and got your first book on January 7, you will get new books of the club on the 7th of each month.
The best part is that you don't have to way the book to arrive at your home: all the content goes directly to your app, so you can start reading wherever and whenever you want. 🤳
If you can't find the answers you're looking for in one of our Help Center articles, you can count on our customer experience team. Just call us using the chat available on the lower right side of the website.
Our best, 💚
The Skeelo Team 🐿️