Here at Skeelo, the opinion of our Skeelovers is essential. That is why you can rate the titles of our collection. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
After you finish reading or reproducing a title, a pop-up will appear on the screen, where you can give your opinion about the book you just finished.
Did you miss the pop-up but still want to rate the book? Don't worry, we can help you. 🆘
- Log into the Skeelo app using your email and password;
- Search for the title you want to evaluate in your "Bookshelf" or in the "Explore" tab; Don't know how to search? Take a look here:How to search for titles?
- Click on the cover of the title;
- Go to the end of the page and click on "Review";
- You can give a book from 1 to 5 stars in your review;
- If you want, you can leave a comment about it, so other Skeelovers will read your evaluation;
- Click on "Review" to submit.
See how easy it is? Not only you get to enjoy literary trips with us, you can also help other readers to choose their next read. 👏
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The Skeelo Team 🐿️