You received a Skeelo voucher in your app to redeem a book, but don't know how to use it? We'll teach you how to redeem the voucher to enjoy your reading. 📚
If you use Android to access Skeelo, use the step-by-step instructions below to validated your voucher:
- Log into the Skeelo app using your email and password;
- Click on "Profile";
- Search for "Account settings" and tap the option "Use voucher";
- Enter the voucher you got and click "Validate".
Watch out! Vouchers that grant titles can only be validated on the app. You cannot use this type of voucher in the Skeelo store. 😅
If you have any trouble redeeming a coupon, you can count on our client experience team. Just call us using the chat available on the lower right side of this website.
Our best, 💚
The Skeelo Team